Integrated Yoga why we love to expand into space from your centre.
Integrated yoga where stretching is really expanding from the inside.
This is my second key principle lesson for you. When we are integrated, joined-up we can expand from the inside out.
Hands forward of shoulders, touching down. Be through your elbows. Kneeling with just tips of big toes touching down. Empty your breath, follow the direction of the engagement with gravity, emptying upper belly to lower. Does this make the tips of your big toes land more heavily? Go in this direction, so your hips settle towards the tips of your heels. Keep emptying and settling.
If we can engage with the sides of the body, starting with little toes, side of the feet, outer ankle, outer knee, outer thighs, hips, waist, side ribs, shoulders, side of neck, corners of your mouth, temples, ears, little fingers and sides of the hands.. and notice. You will quite possibly feel that you are becoming wider. During this process, you are breathing. So how far can you expand during each outward breath? How far can you get into the width of yourself?
Now see what changes and what you want to do patient
Is the movement now away from the ground? Expanding into space all around, from the inside? Is expanding like Stretching?