Welcome to my yoga events page, where you can find out about all the events I’m involved in, either teaching or a supportive role.

Even if you are very new to yoga, I would highly recommend attending an extended class or workshop. When we have to limit our time to experience ourselves on a yoga mat, we are often in danger of missing things.

Yoga Events

Yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress, which we all need from time to time. Teaching yoga at events offers you the opportunity for more fun with your classes as participants are outside their typical setting! When students enjoy what they’re doing, it makes learning more accessible, too, because relaxation becomes second nature when done right after an eventful day or even just before one starts – that’s why I love teaching these kinds of sessions so much! 

Yoga teachers

As yoga teachers, we must be honest with ourselves and our students; are the asana sequences I teach safe? Even why do I teach them? At a yoga event I host, either a workshop or retreat, we can pick apart the biomechanics and neurological effects of what we call yoga in the 21st century.

Sensitive yoga

I promote a sensitive, intelligent approach to yoga practice, informed by a contemporary understanding of how humans work and differ. This is the way forward.

I have been very fortunate to work with some leading figures in contemporary yoga. And I continue to develop my yoga practice and understanding. The following teachers come highly recommended who also run yoga events worth considering. Peter Blackaby, Marc J Acquaviva, Diane Long, John Stirk, Gary Carter and Catherine Annis. 

There are, of course, many more teachers who practice and teach informed yoga. These teachers I have worked with and know to be amongst the best.

Upcoming events in 2022

Fringe logo black

Welcome to Ventnor Fringe Festival’s yoga class with Erling.

July 27th and 28th, 2022. The Nest
Ventnor Park.

I’m delighted to be working with Ventnor Fringe, presenting a slightly quirky, rebellious, yoga workshop in Ventnor Park.

I specialise in the Scaravelli-inspired style of yoga, which is all about finding natural movements and breathing that feels good with minimal effort. This style of yoga is perfect for anyone who wants to relax and de-stress, as it focuses on awareness and the breathe.

10 am to 11 am; cost £7 per person.

If you would like to chat with me about this subject, you can reach me through my contact page.