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Practice Yoga and all is coming.
Practice yoga and all is coming. K Pattabhi Jois This phrase is synonymous with K Pattabhi Jois, the Indian yoga teacher who popularised and developed the style of yoga known…
Practice yoga and all is coming. K Pattabhi Jois This phrase is synonymous with K Pattabhi Jois, the Indian yoga teacher who popularised and developed the style of yoga known…
Definition: Ice cream is a cold dessert made by freezing a flavoured mixture. Freezing is carried out in an ice-cream maker or a churn freezer. What makes for good homemade…
Everything starts with ourselves, including self-love. Wouldn’t it be good to realise that self-love is an emotional filter for our world, our own unique individualised perception? Knowing yourself means we…
Can I compare bread making to a mindful yoga practice?If you buy into the neurological view point of yoga then yes I think you can. Learn how we make delicious…
Can yoga help manage the ageing process? If your practise enhances your awareness of yourself and how you interact with your world then yes, it can. Yoga is useful for…
Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana; yoga pose in an easy to follow 5-minute video from Peter Blackaby on how to do this well-known yoga pose.