Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy:

Erling. Yoga is committed to providing a high-quality service to everyone we deal with. To do this, we need you to give us any comments about our service and to tell us when we get things wrong. In addition, we want to help you resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.

We treat as a complaint any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a response. We listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them to continuously improve our service.

Courtesy and respect

You can expect to be treated with courtesy, respect and fairness at all times. Likewise, we expect you to treat our staff dealing with your complaint with the same courtesy, respect and fairness.

We will not tolerate threatening, abusive or unreasonable behaviour by any complainant. Such situations are rare; however, should they happen, we will cease communication with the complainant immediately according to our vexatious complaints, unreasonable and abusive behaviour policy, and inform the appropriate authorities as necessary.

How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint in several ways:

by e-mail:

or by post to:


7 Arthurs Hill


Isle of Wight

PO37 6EW

Time Schedule for a complaint

We will deal with your service complaint promptly. We will acknowledge receipt of a written complaint within five working days where we have a return address, and you can expect to have a full reply within 20 working days. However, in a few cases, we will not send a full reply within 20 working days of receipt, for example, if your complaint is very complex. If this happens, we will tell you why and let you know when we will be able to reply in full, keeping you fully informed of progress.

Third-Party Reporting 

Complainants may wish to have a third party act on their behalf. A third party is any person or organisation acting on behalf of or making enquiries for the complainant. For example, third parties may include: 

  1. advice organisations
  2. Professionals such as social workers, community psychiatric nurses, doctors, or solicitors
  3. family members or friends.


All complaints received will be dealt with confidentially and following the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, subject to the need to disclose information as required by statutory authorities and/or as a result of statutory, legal or parliamentary obligations placed on the Commission.

A third party is helping a complainant with a particular complaint, and we need written consent to that effect. Where we have this authority, we will endeavour to take all possible steps to keep the third party informed of the progress of the complaint.

Also, some lawyers and attorneys are legally empowered in certain circumstances to act on behalf of a complainant, and consent to disclose information is not required.